“Homewood"… Countless memories flood my mind when I hear that word; Memories of beautiful sun-filled days floating on the crisp ocean, running through the field playing games like Everybody-Is-It-Tag, or sailing in the pouring rain singing The Beach Boys and holding on to the last days of summer. But I enjoyed every moment of being soaked to the bone, and experiencing something so absolutely amazing that trying to describe it seems impossible. To me, Homewood has been a home, a place to grow, learn, experience, and best of all share the gospel with kids.
When I first drove over the cattle guard, with my heart beating out of my chest, I never thought that my life could be changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. My first summer at Homewood I had just graduated from high school and I wanted to experience something that would challenge me. Homewood was the perfect place for me. My first evening at Homewood I was invited on a hike up the Homewood bluff. Unknowingly I agreed to hike it with some of the most athletic people I would ever meet! Now, I’m from a small city bordering Alberta and Saskatchewan, and had very minimal hiking experience prior to this, but I was determined to keep up and pretend that I was not out of breath. We had hardly reached the barn and my lungs felt like they were going to explode, I was so thankful that the sun was setting so that no one could see how profusely I was already sweating! When we had finally reached the top, after what to me had seemed like hours, I was captivated by the beauty and magnitude of the night sky. It was a night for the memory books!
My experience at Homewood has been very similar to that first hike. Many things have been very challenging, but when I felt like things were getting too hard or like it was time to give up and go, God had always revealed something magnificent to me. Every time I have faced challenges here God has used them to grow and stretch me into a more humble and willing servant. Although the challenges have at many times taken my breath away or seemed like there was no end in sight, I was reminded of this hike and how worth it, it was! The beauty that God has for us is amazing! And although life is hard and for most of it, it feels like we’re lost in woods, stumbling over roots and rocks, remember that God is right there with the light! John 8:12 says “Then Jesus spoke again to them, saying, I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” He is our light, let us remember to walk with him.